
Posts Tagged ‘trust

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In this modern world where dishonesty is the currency of social acceptance and financial success, many people believe we must practice some deceit to get along in life.

Unfortunately, the distinction between deceit to others and deceit to ourselves is narrow and over time become fuzzy.

Dishonesty is never condoned by Heavenly Law, but we must never, ever lie to ourselves… because when we do we are left with no one to trust.

We must hold ourselves to this higher standard — this tougher condition.  No one ever achieved significant self-improvement by setting low standards for themselves.

Author John Bisagno wrote:

“Faith is at the heart of life.  You go to a doctor whose name you cannot pronounce.  He gives you a prescription you cannot read.  You take it to a pharmacist you do not know and he gives you a medicine you do not understand.  Yet you take it.”

I used to limit my appreciation of faith to the faith I have in the spiritual aspect of my life.  But as my life has grown more and more spiritual, and I find myself at the brink of spirituality taking over everything I am and all I live for, I find myself noticing that the spiritual concepts that used to apply to my relationship with God really apply to everything.

Take TRUST for instance.  Do I trust everyone I meet?  Goodness, no.  In fact, I trust very few people, something I work on diligently with my counselor.  My past experiences have  influenced my ability to trust and that used to worry me.  How will I ever find happiness if I can never learn to trust anyone?  Faith has helped me trust again.  I find I don’t have to worry so much about who I should or should not trust.  I have faith that if I do an appropriate amount of due diligence and apply a little common sense, God, through the Holy Spirit, will help me determine whether those I meet are intersted in helping me or hurting me.  Trusting others does not need to open us up to becoming a victim.

How about PERSEVERANCE?  That’s a tougher one for me because it is constantly on mind mind these days.  As with all aspects of mortal existance, short of primary anatomical requirements, we only focus on persevering when trials threaten to bring us down.  We only need to consider whether or not to trust someone new when we encounter someone new.  Likewise, we only have to tell ourselves that we are expected to persevere to the end when we are in situations that threaten our ability to do just that.  Again, if we maintain our faith that God has a plan for us and stay on the path toward our common goals, each storm will pass and we will eventually find sunshine again.

I practice faith in many more areas of my life than I ever did before joining the LDS Church.  But I am still struggling with aligning my core beliefs, and the many new beliefs I have recently adopted with THE TRUTH.  People try to discourage me by arguing against the doctrine I believe in.  They speak ill of the Church, its members, our prophets and other leaders… And though I tell myself not to listen, snippets still slip through and I wonder whether what I am hearing has any truth to it.

Spirituality is such a subjective concept after all.  I mean, there is ONE TRUTH — God’s truth that Jesus came to earth to teach us.  I understand that.  But how we each understand it, and just as importantly, how we apply it, is quite personal.  My struggle is not with the truth as it is written, or even how it is interpreted because I have so many resources to help me figure all that out.  My struggle is with how I apply all that I learn to my own life — past, present and future.  I am not a typical Mormon by any means.  I worry that the life that brought me to where I am today, the life that made me what I am, will not be deemed acceptable by those who have not walked in my shoes.

So yet again, I turn to my faith.  God led me here.  He supported me on broken legs as I traveled one slow agonizing step at a time to where I am today.  He would not have gone to all that trouble if He did not think I belonged here.  So even though some people may consider me damaged, I chose to believe that I have proven myself in battle against Satan.  And though he continues to attack me at each and every weak spot on my body and in my mind, I will continue to fight in God’s army, and He will continue to support me when my legs are too weak to hold me up.

Theologian F. B. Mayer taught us that when we chose not to believe, our circumstances come between us and God.  When we have faith, however, God places Himself between us and our circumstances.

Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Each of us can change!  We can live out of our imaginations instead of our memories.  We can tie ourselves to our limitless potentials instead of our limiting pasts.

We can each become our own re-creator!

want01To find opportunities and possibilities wherever I am.

To remain focused on what is important, even when life gets chaotic.

To enjoy good health, and if that is not possible, then to have the strength to fight for it.

To exhibit stability, even when my legs feel weak, my vision blurs and my heart races.

To hold onto my spiritual advantage when the Adversary tries to bring me down.

To show tenacity when others expect me to give up or give in.

To exercise my options.  MY options, not those that other people try to convince me are all I have.

To sense an inner peace when my outer world is anything but.

To experience fulfillment with what I have, am doing, and feel today, even if it is not yet where I want to be.

To feel significant in the eyes of God, my fellow man (if possible) and always within myself.

To be open to receive direction from God, my Savior, and those I trust.

To learn and grow in some way, small or large, every single day.

To understand that every day is an opportunity to embrace the world with this new approach to life.


Dale Beacock, my dearest friend.

If not for the tenacity of the rock, the warm, white, sandy beach would never have been born.

If not for the strength of the rock, the ocean’s tide would never turn.

If not for the resilience of the rock, the mountains would never rise above the storm.

If not for the rock’s ability to absorb and radiate the warmth of the sun, the Earth’s lesser creatures would never survive the winter cold.

You were my rock.

Your persistent belief in me gradually polished my rough edges into a smoother, more refined end.

The strength of your spirit guided me through the chaotic seas of self-doubt — turning the course of my life and redefining the potential my future held.

The resilience of your faith in me protected me from the Adversary’s wrath — giving my own faith time to grow strong enough to stand alone.

And your ability to absorb my love, the warmth of my wispered dreams, and the depth of meaning behind my words, and then radiate it all back to me when I needed it was a blessing and a miracle to me.

You were a rock to so many.  But you were especially my rock, dear friend, and for that I thank you each and every day.  I did not know I could miss another human being this much, but I know you are in a wounderous place and that someday I will see you again.

Until then I will try to remember all you taught me about myself, unconditional love, perseverance, inner joy, following my dreams, believing myself worthy, and of course the power of music to heal.  I will try not to let myself become overwhelmed by the void left in my life and heart by your absence and instead reflect on everything you were to me.  For 40 years your friendship helped to mold me into a better person.  I pray in your absence I am able to continue to grow.

Rest in Peace, Dale, my friend, confidant, teacher, mentor, coach, protector, practice buddy, director and so much more…

I will always love you.


Dearest Heavenly Father;

When the road I travel begins to steepen,

When the path thou hast laid for me becomes difficult to see,

When the prayers I wish to speak unto thee become caught in my throat…

Please help me remember, Father, that it is only through my diligence, faith, and trust in thee that the obstacles that try to keep me from thee, and from my true purpose, can be overcome.

Walk with me Father… In the name of your loving Son, my Savior, Jesus Christ, hear my prayer.


Have you ever known someone who has both the capability and desire to be so cruel that you can’t even wrap your head around it?  It’s so extreme it’s incomprehensible?  I don’t think I could ever be a criminal investigator, I think I have a lower-than-average tolerance for unsolicited abuse, be it physical, emotional, or whatever, especially when it is from someone they have put their trust and faith in.  Am I alone in this? Is it too much to ask that people behave with a modicum of respect and decency unless they have reason to behave otherwise?

Children are born into this world every day to parents who truly believe they love each other and will stay together always.  But too many of those children are forced to grow up early because one or both of those parents , for reasons seldom disclosed, turn sour… bitter… cruel… even evil.  They lie, they cheat, they hit, they scream. They physically, emotionally and sexually abuse their own flesh and blood. Incomprehensible. Inexcusable. Unforgivable?

Young people go out into the world with hopes, dreams, aspirations — convinced the world is their oyster, taught to believe that they can accomplish anything if they have enough faith and determination… but in reality, reaching those lofty goals requires trusting people along the way.  Teachers, mentors, heroes, protectors, leaders, friends, employers, lovers, and most of all themselves.  So what happens to those young people when their teachers fail to prepare them?  When their mentors turn their backs on them?  When their heroes turn out to be false?  When those sworn to protect them don’t even try?  When their governmental and/or religious leaders are more concerned with their personal gain than the welfare of their constituency?  When their friends turn out to be of the fair-weather variety?  When their employers cheat them, steal from them, rape or abuse them?  When their lovers betray them, cheat on them, enslave them, or bully and beat them?  And most importantly, when reality hits them so hard they can no longer cope with their very existence much less dare to dream – or set goals they believe they will ever attain?

Most people know that a large number of these young people turn toward drugs, crime, prostitution, or grow into abusers themselves.  Our prisons and jails are full of these lost youth who have grown into outcasts through little fault of their own.  Many people also realize that thousands of young (and not-so-young) people commit suicide every year because of a reality they were not prepared for.

But I wonder how many people realize that there are many, many of these young people who survive their messed-up childhood – the painful memories – the unreached goals – the betrayal and abuse from those they loved and trusted – the beatings, the rapes, the failures, the condemnation… the feelings of worthlessness.  Where are they?  What are they doing?  Why did they survive "on the outside" when so many others did not?  What makes them different that they didn’t give in, or give up when their lives became, literally, impossible to bear?

Is it part of God’s plan?  I often wonder if those are the children who have been asked so very much of because they are being honed for great works in the future, or the ever after…  If we are placed here – or if we have chosen to come here – to live out the lives that we’ve been given for some future purpose, it stands to reason doesn’t it that those children of God who are most heavily tested are tried for a reason?  And who am I, who are you, who are any of us to decide whether or not His plan is unfair, or unjustified, or flawed?  Maybe those children have spent their lives feeling that everyone they trust can and will eventually betray them because God needs to toughen their skin, hone their instincts, so He will know they will be strong enough to survive much worse than what mankind can throw at them… Maybe what mankind can do is but a small fraction of what true evil is?  And maybe, just maybe, they are being prepared to be God’s teachers, mentors, heroes, protectors, and leaders to his heavenly children.

I hope that those who suffer on earth do so for a reason that is simply incomprehensible to us because we have yet to know why the tests are necessary.  I pray that someday, when my life on earth is over, I will have the honor to meet these people, hug them, and thank them for the sacrifices they made on earth so we all may live happily in the ever after.  Perhaps, if I find a way to overcome the diversity in my life, if I am able to learn how to cope and even heal from the wounds that have been inflicted on me, if I can make myself forgive those who have hurt and betrayed me, and most importantly, if I can learn to love myself again or find in my own heart and soul the will to go on – keep fighting this seemingly unwinnable battle – forgive myself for the choices that in hindsight seem so blatantly stupid… If I can learn to believe I am worth something – maybe not to a someone – but definitely to God, than maybe someday when your life on earth is over, and you have the honor of meeting God’s most heavily tested children — his teachers, mentors, heroes, protectors, and leaders — you will hug me, and thank me… and my life on earth will have been worthwhile — and my existence will be complete.

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