
Help Someone Feel Valued

Posted on: November 9, 2012


Here are 6 ways you can successfully make the people around you feel great:

  1. Put Your Stuff Away – Don’t ever have your phone or computer out while in a conversation.
  2. Use a Person’s Name in Conversation – This requires you remember it when they tell you :)
  3. Ask Them to Teach you Something – Everyone has something to offer, let them shine.
  4. Be Authentically Interested – Lean in, keep eye contact, and listen way more than you talk.
  5. Shine the Spotlight on Them – In group settings, share someone’s talent, a good story about them, or what you like about them.
  6. Compliment Them – It makes them feel special, raises their self-esteem, and makes them realize you appreciate them.

Now it’s your turn.  What can you add to this list?


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